Thursday, 30 November 2023 10:26

Tourism education of the future project met in Cebanc, Donostia - San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain

The aim of this meeting was to evaluate the latest actions and good practices carried out in the framework of the TEF project. Among them was the European "blended skills" competition held in mid-November in Zwolle, Netherlands, where our students of the second year of Kitchen Management participated together with students from Zwolle and Kalamata, Greece.

Based on the evaluations made by the students and the pilot test carried out in Zwolle and Fatima, the TEF team created a "blended skills competition" model for all different Vocational Training centres in Europe and beyond.

On the other hand, a guide of the most needed courses for training tourism and hospitality teachers and students did also start to be developed during this meeting.

Our partners were taken on a guided tour in the city, inside the second oldest and most reputable Gastronomic society of the city and to different bars and restaurants for a unique gastronomic experience.

As you can see in the pictures, a special treat for the guests was the food prepared and served by the students of Cebanc in Cebanc.

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